How To Rent A Foam Mattresses Without Spending An Arm And A Leg

Tempur-Pedic, the maker of the Tempur-Contour Supreme lineup, is the pioneer of memory foam
Mattresses and competitors are compared to it all the times.
Important criteria about a mattress producer like availability, support, number of years in
Business and overall business reputation have always been higher then the rivalry
Throughout time, even more recently younger companies started to surpass it.
Tempur-Pedic's legendary line of firm mattresses has been further improved, providing
The best feel among all the Tempur-Pedic collections.
Through the Years, Tempur-Contour mattresses have enjoyed a strong flow of positive reviews from
Sleepers who are immediately benefiting from the perfect balance between body-shape support
and firmness.

Emerged, which tarnished the company's image (more below).
Which Type of Mattress is This Just?

Addition of other proprietary chemical substances to bring density to a higher degree.

The material is compiled by a enormous number of sphere-like open cells bound to each other.
How Firm is it?

At the same time however, the manufacturer promotes it with the motto "soft where you want

Does it Provide Good Motion Isolation?
Among the best features of memory foam is the isolation of movement to a very small area, right
This feature can be very serious for couples sharing the same mattress, as it
allows for complete independence of movement.
In fact, the other side of the mattress won't budge at all when turning around or when getting
on or off the bed, leaving the sleeping partner undisturbed (just remember though that some
Degree of interaction might still happen when sharing the very same linens).
How this mattress if denser than its competitors, makes it even better at isolation motion
Among its peers and other
Tempur models, the Supreme is considered the one with the maximum degree of motion isolation.

Although memory foam mattresses have the reputation of being heat traps, over the years the
technology has improved substantially and today only a small minority of owners report

Months when mattresses of any type have a hard time providing refreshment.
To minimize the issue, this model features a moisture-absorbing cover that helps in preserving
Dryness and general coolness.
Nonetheless, It's true that memory foam mattresses tend to retain more heat in comparison to
If you are a very "hot" person, you
May want to think about other technologies like innerspring, or other memory foam mattresses
with innovative materials, like the Bear Mattress.

Generally Speaking, Tempur-Pedic mattresses enjoy a lifespan That's virtually double that of budget
foam alternatives.
Foam mattresses across the board.
Against the Standard manufacturers like Simmons, Sealy and Serta, the advantage is reduced
But still noticeable, with an estimation between 7 percent and 10%. That's one additional year of life.
Adapted from
Does it Smell When New?

Period of time a chemical-like odor because of the manufacturing and packaging procedure. This
Phenomenon, which is not as annoying than it sounds, is called off-gassing.

owners. However, a very small number of people (about 1%) reported some degree of
Discomfort and in those cases it is advised to leave the mattress in a ventilated space for 2-3
Days to let the odor dissipate.

average, with the denser ones like the Tempur-Contour Supreme, emitting a slightly stronger
Odor for a few days.
If you consider yourself as a person with an extremely high sensitivity towards chemicals, you
Might want to consider another mattress type (see our updated mattress guide for other ideas).

Are deemed dangerous by the EPA.
How are the Layers Structured?
The "Comfort Layer" at the top is made of 1.2 inch of memory foam, while the "Support Layer"
is 2.8 inch of memory foam. The "Base Layer" consists of 7 inch of normal foam.
The cover is made from a "high-loft super-stretch fabric" and sports grey upholstery sides. It is
very easy to remove, wash and replace.
The Entire mattress undergoes an antimicrobial treatment that prevents parasites, including
dust mites.
How Big is it? Will it Fit My Room?
The Queen-size mattress is 60″ wide, 80″ long and 11.5″ thick in total.
As usual take a minute to Ensure the mattress fits the room and all the doors (and
Staircases) it must go through when it will be delivered. Keep in mind that the thickness can
Make quite a significant difference if the space is already limited. So take actual measurements, don't
In the event of necessity the mattress can be folded. Just make sure you fold it with the top part inside.
In case you leave it folded in cold weather (below 50F), don't force it open and just let it extend
by itself. Otherwise the foam cells might lose their correct structure.
Does it Need a Bed Foundation?
According to the manufacturer:
Tempur-Pedic mattresses are designed to work on a firm, solid-surface, non-spring
Foundation or adjustable bed base that's structurally capable of supporting the weight of
purchaser's Tempur-Pedic mattress and user(s).
Be careful: if an inadequate foundation type is used instead, the mattress warranty will be
considered void (see below).
So what can be considered as adequate? According to several sources, you can use your existing
Bed frame and foundation as long as you can make certain that the mattress will be totally flat for
its entire area. This can be achieved by inserting a bunkie board (not the slats type) between the
Mattress and the foundation, as long as the board will retain a solid flat shape and won't bend.
That's why this solution is discouraged in case of old spring-boxes, which might offer an
Irregular support throughout the surface which might then impact the mattress profile.
Does it Need a Mattress Pad?
In a nutshell, no. It isn't recommended adding a mattress pad or cover on top of this mattress. In fact,
It would be an extra layer between your body and the precious memory foam, which
Would result in a diminished capacity to adjust to your body and provide the full "Tempur
If You want to add a mattress protector (not a pad) to prevent stains or damage, anything
goes as long as it's thin and elastic enough. Tempur-Pedic manufacture their own kind which
they claim is designed to work perfectly for their mattresses "without impacting the feel or
performance." You can get it for about $90 here.
How to Care for the Tempur-Contour Supreme?
Each mattress has its own quirks in terms of caring, so make sure you are familiar with how to
Deal with maintenance once the need arises.
Washing the cover
The included cover can be easily removed and washed with a mild detergent using a cold
temperature setting for machine washing, and a cool setting for tumble-drying. However, as
With most fabrics, in case you have the possibility air drying is the best option. If using a dryer, make
sure not to over-dry the cover.
Do not use chlorine-based products (like bleach, Clorox,...) or any other aggressive stain
Removers of any kind on the cover.
Cleaning spills
Foam mattresses usually aren't supposed to get wet as liquids can damage the delicate material.
In case liquids are spilled on the mattress, these are the best steps to take.
Remove the cover and wash it in cold water with mild detergent (see above for details about
caring). Don't use bleaching!
If the liquid is on the mattress, try to remove most of it by soaking it up with a clean towel. Pick a dry
part of the towel and press down on the foam to squeeze the moisture out, and repeat until nothing comes
out anymore (check the towel).
When the liquid is entirely removed, leave the mattress uncovered to let it dry. If you want you can use a
Fan pointed in the direction of the mattress to improve the air circulation. Do not use a hair-dryer as the hot air will
damage the foam.
Regardless, never wash the mattress.
Flipping and rotating
This mattress is designed to lay only on one side (the two sides are very different in material)
and no flipping is required. Rotating is also unnecessary as the foam will g
Original shape after each sleeping session, for many, many years.
Other useful info
The use of electric blankets and pads is discouraged as they interfere with the mattress' firmness. If you
Must use them, try to limit the active period to half an hour on low or medium modes.
If you need to store it or transport it over a long trip, make sure the mattress can lay on its
back and NOT on its side or folded.
o back to its


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